
Grandmother Moss

Grandmother Moss lives on the edge of the "Boglai" Jungle just beyond the Ghikarn Colony of Tuloi. She was an original resident of the Mindat coastal community and is one of the last remaining of her people in the areas. Grandmother Moss lives with her granddaughter, Ahko, and is protective of her to a level bordering on abusive.  She sees to Ahko's studies, putting her on the path to Mindat Academia (including the broad brimmed hat).  She trusts her granddaughter's judgement and skills enough to let her roam a few miles distant from their home, but only when her studies are complete. They live together in a small stilt-raised hut obscured by approachable directions by heavy, cultivated foliage.  They are served by a nog, Pilk, who lives under the hut with his pet pitchfork and tends to gardening and manual labor. Grandmother Moss appears as a weather-worn elderly Mindat woman, who is relatively spry for her age, despite failing sigh and use of a cane.  She chain...

Odic, Vril, and other Vital Fluids

Modern philosophy has admitted a plenum or universal principle of fluid matter, which occupies all space; and that as all bodies moving in the world, abound with pores, this fluid matter introduces itself through the interstices and returns backwards and forwards, flowing through one body by the currents which issue therefrom to another, as in a magnet, which produces that phenomenon which we call Animal Magnetism. This fluid consists of fire, air and spirit, and like all other fluids tends to an equilibrium, therefore it is easy to conceive how the efforts which the bodies make towards each other produce animal electricity, which in fact is no more than the effect produced between two bodies, one of which has more motion than the other; a phenomenon serving to prove that the body which has most motion communicates it to the other, until the medium of motion becomes an equilibrium between the two bodies, and then this equality of motion produces animal electricity.

Chlendi Spirit Summoning v2

Chlendi Spirit Summoning (version 2.0) This spell/ritual is largely based off the Summon spell from page 134 of the current (as of Jan 2019) Lamentations of the Flame Princess rules. Situations not covered by this description should be referred to those rules or your core rules. Unless something goes horribly wrong, which is quite possible, this does not normally rip a hole in space and time. The caster is summoning a spirit with a connection to the current plane, where tied to nature, an object, or material link of the dead. Once the Summon spell is cast, there are a number of steps to resolve: The caster chooses the intended Power of the Summoned Entity The caster makes a saving throw versus Magic  Determine the Entity’s Form - see below  Determine the Entity’s Powers  Resolve the Domination Roll  Step 2: Determine the Entity’s Form: Follow the original rules as written, with the following modifiers when Chlendi: If you can touch a link to a spirit (g...

Tomb City of the Polog

Recent earthquakes have uncovered a pass in the mountains north of Narrosh. Expeditions from the Commerce Guild have found ruins of a small city or ceremonial center once called Luumb (to the best of their deciphering). Small amounts of gold jewelry have been recovered among the squat towers and domes. The ruins lack staircases and have numerous murals of red-eyed faces along the ramps that take their place. Wax-sealed tombs line the interior walls, but no remains have been found in any of the excavations. Large circular pits are scattered throughout the center, each having scattered remains of humanoid, large quadruped, and small rodent bones. According to Heteri history, Putuv II ruled the mountain tribes of this region that his father had conquered. There is no mention in their legends of a city or location called Luumb.

Viljimil and His Hierarchy

Viljimil (Clan of the Mottled Bull) is known throughout magical lodges as a circumspect and devoted scholar who created the most detailed account of known spirits and tales of daemonology: Viljimil's Hierarchy. While his tome and academic work are renown his magical works are not.  As a budding sorcerer he quickly found himself to be lacking the willpower to command  all but the base orders of Chlendi spirits and instead devoted himself to more scholarly pursuits. He spent the majority of his adult life travelling throughout the Rhiat, taking notes and collecting true names from other dweomercrafters, whether they were Heteri shamans, Mindat theurges, or the local herbalist from a pocket community of Chlendi.  Viljimil was well into middle age when he finally returned to Asklor to compose the text itself. He enlisted a team of nog servants to attend to his needs, organize texts and keep him provisioned with supplies and sustenance. As a result scholars today argue whe...

Givos, Part I

Givos Givos is a coastal fishing town, traditionally disputed by the Balancont and the rules of Teldarpha (in eastern Ghikarn). While its harbour welcomes foreign vessels, the rocky outcroppings that populate it prevented the community from become a major trade port, and remains largely the province of fishing vessels. It has become a popular stopping point for seaborn trade vessels, who anchor in the outer bay and take small skiffs into town for supplies and refreshments.  Currently occupied by the Goblin Queen's forces, it is nominally ruled by Mivuhwul Isasnias Koman, the middle-aged burgher of fine ancestry who acts as a puppet to the local Captain Nivinak. Isanias demonstrated his loyalty by killing the previous Mivuhweul in the city square. Givos, for an unknown reason, was one of the first communities targeted when the goblins rose to the surface. Despite the crumbling walls and downtrodden residents, Givos still welcomes peaceful travelers and merchants, so lon...

The White Book

The White Book The White Book is the central religious text of the Mindat. A thousand years ago, Mindat sorcerors evoked their deities into corporeal form and ritually slayed them, using their energies to power great magicks. They see themselves as free of "slavery" to extra-planar beings seek to harness their powers within. The White Book is a guide to this process. It has never been adequately translated out of the Mindat language, and while quoted frequently, is never read aloud. It describes a process and trails of harnessing one's soul, which is called "walking the labyrinth". The book itself is bound in white leather and is upwards of 400 pages. Many of the pages, or parts of the pages are left blank to be filled in by the adherent recording his progress or completing exercises.