Chlendi Spirit Summoning v2
Chlendi Spirit Summoning (version 2.0) This spell/ritual is largely based off the Summon spell from page 134 of the current (as of Jan 2019) Lamentations of the Flame Princess rules. Situations not covered by this description should be referred to those rules or your core rules. Unless something goes horribly wrong, which is quite possible, this does not normally rip a hole in space and time. The caster is summoning a spirit with a connection to the current plane, where tied to nature, an object, or material link of the dead. Once the Summon spell is cast, there are a number of steps to resolve: The caster chooses the intended Power of the Summoned Entity The caster makes a saving throw versus Magic Determine the Entity’s Form - see below Determine the Entity’s Powers Resolve the Domination Roll Step 2: Determine the Entity’s Form: Follow the original rules as written, with the following modifiers when Chlendi: If you can touch a link to a spirit (g...